What You Should Know About Life Insurance

What You Should Know About Life Insurance According to a study by PolicyGenius, 40% of people with life insurance regret not buying a policy sooner.Life insurance offers consumers peace of mind that they can leave money behind for loved ones when they die.According to...

What Is a Will? Better ask an Attorney

What Is a Will? Better ask an Attorney It is almost better to ask, “why do I need a Will?” Most of us know that a Will is a legal document. It leaves instructions to your representative, or secondary, or third representative, and if the Will is used properly it is...

What is a Trust, and, Do I need a Trust

What is a Trust, and, Do I need a Trust A Trust is an instrument of contract used to secure a sum of money, held by a third party, for the future use of your beneficiaries. Trusts have been around since Roman times, so they aren’t a new thing. There are Trusts that...