Preparing A Simple Will is Basic Family Planning We All Need

Sep 3, 2020

The McMechan Law Firm can prepare a simple will starting at $300. Commonly a “Simple Will” is all you need to ensure its up to you how your assets devise, rather than decide by the State of Colorado. Reasonable flat rates for more complex wills, and reasonable hourly rates for the most complex of wills, for estates with multiple out of state properties, etc…
Preparing a simple will is basic family planning we all need
Preparing A Simple Will Is Basic Family Planning We All Need
Contact the McMechan Law Firm for a free first consultation for an accurate quote for your Will requirements.

While pondering a Will, the McMechan law firm can also prepare a Medical Power of Attorney and a Financial Power of Attorney, or an irrevocable or revocable trust, and there are many reasons for getting trust beyond just avoiding tax and probate.

You have invested your life in working for a future for your family that is better than your own. When getting a Will, you are protecting the future of your family, deciding who inherits, and how and what they receive. State probate is not determined by each person’s ability to carefully manage what you leave behind. Only you know the capacities of your descendants and beneficiaries.

A trust can also be created within a will to ensure safe transfer of property even to minors and disabled children, or children who lack capacity. The trustee you name protects the property from being wasted, or taken by an unintended beneficiary.

The will sets the person who will execute your will, who will carry out your desires after you pass away, and neither can the State do that, nor can a simple “form” will do so in a reliable manner. One key thing to remember is that wills and revocable trusts can be altered by you at any time before you lose your competency to do so.